This website is an online companion to a research project financed by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) in the frame of an Earth System Sciences call (“Water in Mountain Regions”, 2018).
Our project started in May 2019 and is entitled “AgroClim Huaraz: Spatio-temporal variability in water availability and demand in the Peruvian Andes”.
From left to right: Wolfgang Gurgiser, Pierluigi Calanca, Peter Albrecht,
Alejo Cochachín Rapre, Fabien Maussion, Rolando Cruz Encarnación, Georg Wohlfahrt,
Cornelia Zauner, Lorenz Hänchen.
Fabien Maussion
ACINN, University of Innsbruck
Wolfgang Gurgiser
ACINN, University of Innsbruck
Georg Wohlfahrt
Department of Ecology, University of Innsbruck
Pierluigi Calanca
Agroscope, Zürich
Cornelia Klein
ACINN, Innsbruck
Emily Potter
ACINN, University of Innsbruck
Lorenz Hänchen
Department of Ecology, University of Innsbruck
Alejo Cochachín Rapre (Autoridad Nacional de Agua, Unidad de Glaciología y Recursos Hídricos)
Rolando Cruz Encarnación (Autoridad Nacional de Agua, Unidad de Glaciología y Recursos Hídricos)
Fiorella Quiñonez Collas, student from UNASAM
Hector Oropeza Chinchay (farmer in Llupa)
Thomas Condom (Institute of Research for Development, Grenoble, France)
Clémentine Junquas (Institute of Research for Development, Grenoble, France)
Christian Huggel (University of Zürich, Switzerland)
Martina Neuburger (Universität Hamburg, Germany)
The views expressed on this site are our own and do not necessarily represent the official positions of our employers or the ÖAW.
Unless specified otherwise, the content of this site (including images) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Website template from startbootstrap, released under MIT license (see license.txt).
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Blog: Wolfgang Gurgiser
About: Daniel Heinemann
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