The “AgroClim Huaraz Kick-Off Meeting” took place in Innsbruck last week! For two days (05th and 06th of June 2019), the project members and collaborators met in a friendly atmosphere. We heard scientific presentations from the participants and had important discussions about the upcoming field work and intensive observation period in September.
We were very lucky to welcome our Peruvian colleagues Alejo Cochachín Rapre and Rolando Cruz Encarnación (Autoridad Nacional de Agua) for the week. Fortunately, the weather was very good (almost too good maybe?) and allowed us to have a wonderful workshop dinner at the Umbrüggler Alm, high up above the city.
From left to right: Wolfgang Gurgiser, Pierluigi Calanca, Peter Albrecht,
Alejo Cochachín Rapre, Fabien Maussion, Rolando Cruz Encarnación, Georg Wohlfahrt,
Cornelia Zauner, Lorenz Hänchen.