See install instructions here. Don’t forget to set-up your git identity!
First, you need to be logged in your GitHub account.
Then, navigate to the website’s repository and fork it to your personal account. Now clone your fork into your computer (this creates a new directory at the location you are executing the command from):
$ git clone
Once this is done, navigate to the website’s root folder and run:
git remote add upstream
To check that everything worked well, run git remote -v
and verify that the output looks like:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
From the website’s root folder, run:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
If packages (“gems”) are missing, you might need to install them:
$ bundle install
You want the local master branch to be always up-to-date with the remote one. To do this, do:
# go to master
$ git checkout master
# get the info online (internet required)
$ git fetch upstream
# update
$ git merge upstream/master
Never change anything in the master branch! If you changed something in master that you’d like to keep, copy the changed files somewhere else and run:
# this will overwrite all your changes
$ git checkout master
$ git reset --hard upstream/master
Make sure that you are up-to-date (#3). Then create a new branch:
$ git checkout -b my-new-blog-post-branch
Create a new markdown file in the _posts
folder following the filename
conventions. Edit the content at your wish by changing title, subtitle, date,
author in the header. Then write your own post!
Once finished, add your file to git (necessary only for new posts). From the root folder, run:
$ git add _posts/
Then commit your changes:
# This commits changes to all files.
# If you want to change only one file,
# replace -a with the file's path
$ git commit -a -m "Informative short commit message"
And push them to your fork:
$ git push origin my-new-blog-post-branch
Now, your new branch with the changes is online. Navigate to your fork’s github website, and (if github doesn’t propose to do so already), select your feature branch and propose a pull-request.
If your post is merged right away, you’re done! You can delete the branch locally and online if you want to, but you don’t need to. Start at #3 again.
If you want to do further changes before merge, do:
$ git checkout my-new-blog-post-branch
# Edit the file...
# ... then commit again:
$ git commit -a -m "I made some changes"
# And push to your fork:
$ git push origin my-new-blog-post-branch
This will update the pull-request automatically!